
Archive for the ‘Cher’ Category

No, that’s not sisters Kim and Khloe Kardashian, that’s the famous mother and daughter team Cher and Chastity Bono, who are said to be positioning themselves to be the stars of a new reality show called Coming Out With Cher And Chas. The two have been meeting with tv executives about their plan assist other families in the difficult process of “coming out” to their families fueled with plenty of reality fire and brimstone between the mother and daughter.

The DailyMail reports: “Cher and Chas believe they are on to a winner and have been setting up meetings with the major networks.

“They’d like a bidding war between the stations. It’s no secret they have had problems in their relationship and they think that makes them ideal to offer advice to those who are going through the same thing. They are looking to give their careers a lift and are promising producers there will be on-air fireworks between them.”

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