
Archive for the ‘canceled concert’ Category

Ashley Tisdale will soon be losing fans like the rest of them. Nobody likes it when you change your look. Miraculously her peeps have already switched out most of her pics on her website to reflect the new nose! The existing pics of her with her old nose she’s looking down or in a position that is not noticeable. She’s taking a lot of pictures, but I guess she’s not well to start blowing air through that deviated septum.

A note from Ashley Tisdale to her fans:

To my fans and friends in Miami and Philadelphia,

I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to be at the holiday shows this weekend. I haven’t fully recovered from my surgery and had to make the difficult decision to cancel the appearances.

When my surgery was scheduled, we didn’t think it would be necessary to cancel the shows because my doctor thought I would heal in time. Unfortunately, the deviated septum was more significant than we originally thought so the healing process is taking longer.

The last thing I ever want to do is disappoint my fans. I flew out to the east coast with the dancers and crew, still hoping I would be well enough to perform.

I hope you all have a very happy holiday season.
I love you guys!

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